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  • Commonly Asked Questions

    • What are the average costs and savings associated with going solar in California?
      Costs and savings vary depending on factors such as system size, location, incentives, and electricity rates. On average, homeowners can expect to recoup their investment within 5 to 10 years and enjoy significant long-term savings.
    • Can solar panels power my entire house?
      Yes! We'll analyze your average monthly bill and custom design a solar panel system that meets 100% of your electricity needs. You can opt to have extra panels installed if you expect your energy needs to increase or to protect against rising energy costs. You can also add a solar home battery to power your home at night or during power outages.
    • What will my solar panels look like?
      We offer high-quality solar panels from a number of solar manufacturers with gorgeous high-efficiency panels that will compliment your rooftop and add major curb appeal to your home.
    • How are home solar panels installed?
      Our customers rave about how surprisingly simple it was to install their home solar panels. The basic steps include Consultation, which we can do quickly and virtually; installation, which takes just 1-2 days, depending upon the size of your home; and permitting/activation, which can take a few weeks, depending upon local requirements.
    • How do I pay for my solar panel system?
      We offer lease, cash purchase or financing options. There are low interest/$0 down loans to fit your needs and budget. Plus, some areas offer local solar incentives and rebates that you may qualify for, including a federal solar Investment Tax Credit.
    • What are the benefits of installing solar panels in California?
      The benefits of installing solar panels include reducing electricity bills, increasing property value, reducing carbon footprint, taking advantage of abundant sunlight, and contributing to a more sustainable energy future.
    • Are there incentives or rebates available for solar installations in California?
      Yes, California offers various incentives and rebates, including the California Solar Initiative (CSI), federal tax credits, property tax exemptions, and net metering.
  • Financing options

    • Are There Any Financing Options Available for Solar Installations in California?
      Yes, California offers various financing options, including solar loans, leases, power purchase agreements (PPAs), and Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing, to help homeowners afford solar installations.
    • Cash Purchase

      A cash purchase is right for you if:

      • You’re looking to maximize your savings from solar;
      • You have enough tax liability to take advantage of the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC);
      • Or you have the funds available to pay for a solar panel system upfront.
    • Loan

      A solar loan is right for you if:

      • You don’t want to shell out the amount of cash required to pay for a solar panel system upfront;
      • But you still want the most savings on your electricity bills as possible;
      • And you would like to be eligible for all incentives and rebates.
    • Lease

      A solar lease/PPA is right for you if:

      • You would prefer someone else to monitor and maintain the system;
      • You aren’t eligible for tax incentives;
      • You’d just like to reduce and/or lock-in your monthly electricity bill.
  • Commercial

    • Why Should My Business Invest in Commercial Solar Panels?

      Beyond the cost savings your business can achieve by switching to solar, your company can also enjoy reputational advantages. “Going green” communicates an investment in your community and in protecting its future, which is attractive to many environmentally conscious consumers.

      With solar installation, you can:

      • Project an image of innovation
      • Brand your company with a green identity
      • Instill a sense of pride within your company
    • How Much Will a Commercial Solar System Cost?

      The cost of a commercial solar system will vary greatly based on factors like the scope of the installation, the type of solar panels used, and the specific needs of the business. It depends on the size of your business and utility needs, as systems can range similar to a residential home to a solar plant. We can help determine your specific needs, as well as help you identify and apply for any available tax credits or incentives. We make every effort to make switching to solar affordable, which is why we are committed to offering zero-down and other financing arrangements for qualifying commercial clients. You should also remember that going solar tends to pay for itself in the long term, so do not hesitate to request a free quote and analysis from our team.

      *Carports are also a popular option

    • Will the Commercial Solar Panel Installation Process Impact My Business Operations?

      In most cases, commercial solar installation in California will not substantially impact your business’s normal operations. We do everything we can to minimize inconvenience during the installation process. The majority of the work is conducted outside the building, we will make every effort to schedule the most intrusive work during off-peak hours. We will notify you of any potential disruptions well in advance.

    • What Maintenance Is Required for Commercial Solar Panels?

      Commercial solar panels tend to require relatively little maintenance. Regular inspections should be conducted to ensure your panels are free of dust, dirt, or snow, as these elements can block sunlight and reduce energy production. Additionally, the mounting equipment should be checked to verify stability, and the electrical system should be inspected for optimal performance.

  • How it works

    • What Is Solar Energy?

      Solar energy describes the radiation emitted by the sun, which is harnessed using a range of evolving technologies, including the photovoltaic solar panels used by SunPower by Sun Solar. The sun theoretically sends enough energy to power countless homes and businesses, and the energy is clean and renewable. That is why many have turned to solar as a means of combatting climate change.

    • How Solar Panels Capture Solar Energy
      Photovoltaic solar panels are made up of a semiconductive material, such as polycrystalline or monocrystalline silicon. They operate on the principle of the photovoltaic effect. When sunlight strikes the cells, it energizes the electrons present in the semiconductor material. This process creates an electric field across the cells, causing electricity to flow. The greater the intensity of the sunlight, the greater the flow of electricity. This is why solar panels must be placed and configured in optimal positions to best capture the available sunlight on a given property. In many cases, solar panels will be placed on roofs, though they can in some circumstances be placed on the ground or mounted as a carport.
    • How Solar Inverters Convert “DC” to “AC”
      Inverters play a crucial role in the utilization of solar energy within homes and businesses. They function to convert the direct current (DC) produced by solar panels into alternating current (AC), which is the standard used by all commercial appliances. In other words, without an inverter, you would have a wealth of solar energy but be unable to use any of it. An inverter accomplishes the conversion through a process known as switching. By rapidly flipping the DC electricity back and forth, the inverter causes the current to change direction, “or alternate.” The resulting AC electricity is then ready to be used by everything from kitchen appliances to industrial machinery. It is important to note that the inverter's efficiency in this conversion process significantly impacts the amount of usable power generated from solar energy systems.
    • How Electrical Panels Distribute Solar Electricity
      Electrical panels, also known as circuit breakers or breaker boxes, play a pivotal role in the distribution of solar electricity within a residential or commercial building. Once the inverter has converted the direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC), the electrical panel steps in as the heart of the electrical system, directing this electricity to different circuits within the building. Each circuit is protected by a breaker that trips or switches off in case of an overload, preventing potential electrical fires.
      Electrical panels also play a key role in monitoring and measuring energy consumption within a building. Inside the panel, each circuit is fitted with a meter that records the amount of electricity it distributes. This data can provide valuable insights into your energy usage habits, highlighting areas where you could potentially reduce consumption and save even more on energy costs.
    • What Is Net Metering, and How Does It Work for Solar Customers in California?

      In the case of a solar-powered system, any excess electricity generated that is not used immediately can be sent back to the local grid through the electrical panel. This process is known as net metering. It involves a special meter that can spin both ways, recording the electricity your home draws from and supplies to the grid.

      • This allows solar customers to receive credits for excess electricity they generate and feed back into the grid. These credits can offset future electricity bills when solar production is lower than consumption.
      • Conversely, should your solar system be unable to supply sufficient power at night or on an especially cloudy day, you will be able to instead draw power from the grid, which is then credited against the electricity you have already diverted to it over time.

      At the end of each billing cycle, the energy utility company calculates the “net” energy used by subtracting the energy you supplied to the grid from the energy you consumed. If you supplied more energy than you consumed, you might receive credit or a financial return, though California’s newer “3.0” net metering rules incentivize you to rely on a battery storage solution versus drawing power from the local grid.

    • What Is Net Energy Metering (NEM)?

      NEM is a billing arrangement that allows solar energy system owners to receive credit for the excess electricity they generate and export to the grid. This surplus energy can be used to offset electricity consumption during times when the solar panels aren't producing enough power, such as at night or during cloudy days. Essentially, NEM enables solar users to save money on their electricity bills by leveraging their solar production effectively.

      When considering the integration of backup batteries into your solar energy system, it's essential to weigh the benefits and implications of both NEM 2 and NEM 3. Factors such as your energy consumption patterns, budget, and long-term goals should inform your decision-making process. Consulting with reputable solar energy providers and staying informed about evolving policy developments can help you navigate the complexities of solar energy adoption and maximize the benefits for your home or business.

    • NEM 2 vs. NEM 3: What's the Difference?

      While both NEM 2 and NEM 3 aim to incentivize solar adoption and promote renewable energy generation, there are notable distinctions between the two, particularly concerning backup battery integration.

      NEM 2

      • Battery Integration: Under NEM 2, homeowners and businesses can install backup batteries alongside their solar energy systems. These batteries allow users to store excess solar energy generated during the day for later use, such as during the evening or in case of grid outages.
      • Billing Structure: With NEM 2, surplus energy exported to the grid is credited at the retail electricity rate, providing financial incentives for solar users to maximize their self-consumption and minimize reliance on the grid.
      • System Size Limitation: NEM 2 imposes a limit on the size of eligible solar energy systems, typically up to 1 megawatt (MW), to qualify for net metering benefits.

      NEM 3

      • Enhanced Battery Benefits: In contrast to NEM 2, NEM 3 offers expanded benefits for backup battery integration. This includes increased flexibility in storing and utilizing solar energy, as well as potentially accessing additional incentives or credits for grid support services, such as demand response or peak shaving.
      • Updated Billing Structure: NEM 3 introduces revisions to the billing structure, which may impact the way solar users are credited for their exported energy. While specific details may vary, NEM 3 aims to align incentives with evolving grid dynamics and promote grid stability and resilience.
      • Future-proofing Solar Investments: By embracing NEM 3 and its provisions for advanced energy storage technologies, solar adopters can future-proof their investments and contribute to a more sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure.
    • The Role of Solar Battery Storage Systems and How They Work

      Solar battery systems play an increasingly crucial role in harnessing and optimizing the use of solar energy, particularly in California, where net metering rules make it more beneficial to draw on your own stored power versus getting grid power. These systems work by storing excess energy produced by the solar panels during peak sunlight hours for use during nighttime, cloudy days, or during power outages, providing a continuous and reliable power supply without having to draw from the local grid.

      The process starts when the solar panels generate direct current (DC) electricity, which then gets converted into alternating current (AC) by the inverter. If the energy produced exceeds the demand in the building, rather than sending this excess power back to the grid (as in net metering), it gets directed to the solar battery for storage. The inverter changes the AC electricity back to DC to be stored in the battery, as most solar batteries require DC input.
      When solar production is low, or during a power outage, the system will utilize stored power in the battery to avoid interruptions to energy supply. The DC electricity in the battery is converted back to AC by the inverter to be used in the building's electrical appliances.

    • How Does Solar Energy Work in California?
      Solar panels installed on rooftops or in open areas capture sunlight and convert it into electricity through photovoltaic cells, which produce direct current (DC) electricity. This electricity is then converted into alternating current (AC) by an inverter and used to power homes or businesses.
  • Residential

    • How Much Will a Residential Solar System Cost?

      The cost of a solar system will vary from project to project. Our team is up-front and clear about all costs associated with our solar systems and installation, and we can help you find relevant information about state and federal incentives or tax breaks that can help save you money. Additionally, we offer free consultations, zero-down options, and financing and purchasing options for qualified customers. We can also explain how the cost-saving of solar energy can pay off in the long term!

    • How Long Will It Take to Recoup My Investment in Solar Panels?
      The time it takes to recoup an investment in solar panels can vary significantly, largely depending on factors such as the scope of the system, the amount of sunlight your property receives, and the cost of electricity in your area. However, in general, residential solar panel systems can take anywhere from 6 to 10 years to pay for themselves, after which you can potentially save thousands of dollars over the lifespan of the system.
    • What Maintenance Is Required for Solar Panels in California?

      Solar panels generally require minimal maintenance, such as periodic cleaning to remove dirt and debris. It's also advisable to have a professional inspection every few years to ensure optimal performance.

    • How Long Do Solar Panels Last?

      Because we are committed to using only high-quality materials that last, we are a SunPower Master Dealer. SunPower solar panels have a 25-year complete confidence warranty, which is the best in the industry.

    • I have a tile roof, can solar be installed?

      In most cases, Yes! Concrete and clay tile roofs are common in the Bakersfield area. We have 15+ years experience installing on tile roofs. Rest assured that we utilize the latest mounting technology to ensure your roof is water tight for peace of mind.

      Your solar educator is well versed on the appropriate installation methods of all roofing materials. Depending on the specific brand and types of roof tile, we have a solution that maintains the roofs integrity , while preserve the aesthetics of your home.

    • Do I Need Special Permits or Permissions to Install Solar Panels on My Home in California?
      Yes, homeowners typically need to obtain permits from their local building department before installing solar panels. However, the process is usually straightforward, especially with the help of a reputable solar installer.
    • What Happens to My Solar Panels During a Power Outage in California?
      Most grid-tied solar systems automatically shut down during a power outage to prevent back feeding electricity into the grid, which could endanger utility workers. However, homeowners can opt for battery storage systems to provide backup power during outages.
    • How Long Does It Take to Install Solar Panels on a Residential Property in California?
      The installation process typically takes one to three days, depending on the size and complexity of the system. However, additional time may be needed for permitting, inspections, and paperwork.
  • Installing Residential

    • Evaluation

      First, we will evaluate whether your property is suitable for solar power. South-facing roofs are ideal, but results can still be achieved with less ideally situated roofs as well. Our engineers will determine how much sunlight your roof would be likely to capture with a solar system and help you determine whether your roof will qualify for rebates and tax credits.

    • Purchasing

      Next, we will help you determine how powerful a system would be needed to power your property and go over how the project will be financed, including zero-down options and other financing/purchasing options for qualified customers.

    • Design & Installation

      After you sign your contract, your unique system design will be given to our engineers. Then, we will begin taking care of all of the permitting and rebate paperwork associated with your project. Once the rebate is approved and all permits are received, we can order the materials for your project and prepare for installation. Installation typically takes around three days to complete.

    • Inspection

      After completion of the installation, we will schedule a final inspection of your property with your local governing body. We will also submit the final paperwork to your electric company.

    • Completion

      The average residential solar installation in California takes approximately 12 weeks to complete from the initial contract to installation completion. We take steps to minimize disruption and inconvenience and aim to make this process as smooth and swift as possible.